Monday, 10 July 2017

Search Engines & Online Database

Salute guys.

Since we are on the internet I would like to ask you about what do you know about Search Engines & Online Database.
Well, that will be our topic for this entry.

To begin with, I think most of us know what search engines is even without looking for its definition. Just by the word ‘search’ we automatically relate it with Google, right? So yeah, Google is one of the best search engines today, if not the best and to illustrate how great Google is as a search engine, nowadays people don’t ‘search’ for things on the internet but they just ‘Google’ it.

Now let’s go deeper.

There are four parts of a search engines. Database, Web-crawlers, User Interface, and Information Retrieval Information System.

Database is a storage where all information are stored. Bigger database means bigger storage.

Next, Web-Crawlers. By looking at its name, we can already know its function. Web-Crawlers works like a spider; they crawl around the webpage and they collect information like keywords, titles and access frequency.

User Interface is a site where users enter a keyword and search result will be presented.

Information Retrieval System is a system that match users' query with information found in database. Any results found are sort by relevancy.

Not to forget there are also things like Specialized Search Engines and Meta Search Engine on the internet

Specialized search engines means the search engine is use to do search on a specific area and its database only contains information that are relevant. Example of specialized search engines are Google Scholar, Education World, Art Encyclopedia and

It is a search engine that matches users' query with multiple search engines. MetaCrawler, SavvySearch, and Dogpile are the examples of Meta Search Engine.

Now we know several things about the web and I believe after this we will have a better usage of the web. Instead of depending on Google to find something for us, we also can use things like specialized search engines and Meta search engine in the future as long as we have internet connection because no matter how much we know about the web, without internet connection it means nothing.

I guess that's it for today. I hope we all are not misusing the internet.

See you next time.

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