Sunday, 16 July 2017

Instructional Courseware Design

Salute everyone. What's up?

So, today's entry will be discussing about Instructional Courseware Design. In a simple words, it is something that we need to design when we create a software. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

To begin with, it consist of three things. First, the needs of the learner. Second, achieving the learner objectives and third, creating some intervention to strive the goals or objectives.

It also includes two learning theories; Behaviorist and Constructivist Learning Theory.

Behaviorist learning theory is human reaction to a situation according to his sense.

Constructivist learning theory means how people learn and gain knowledge and it has direct application to education.

Let's discuss about what is instructional design as a whole? It is kind of similar with the lesson plan made by teachers except instructional design courseware made automatically by computer.

ISD involves creation of syllabus, planning of lesson, material selection and adaptation and planning of implementation and intervention.

So basically, ISD is made automatically by the technology of computers. It is also not a complete replacement of a lesson but only as a support. 

No, that's not a touchscreen computer. That was the picture when PLATO was introduced for the first time for the Science studies.

By the way, PLATO stands for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations. Not to forget, it was also expensive. 

Do guys know anything about ADDIE? Well, ADDIE is not a name of a person. So, what is ADDIE?

Well, it stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. See?

Now, let me explain more. ADDIE is the processes of a framework for the development of the project. Remember, it's not a person but a process.

Now let's see what does every letter of the word ADDIE means. Let's start with A.

A stands for analysis. Analyse who are the learners, what is the desired behavior of achievement, what are the delivery options.

D stands for design. Well, just like the index in a textbook except this one you just need to click to access the content instead of looking for a particular page.

Another D stands for development. Developers create content based on the blueprint. 

I is implementation and it trains learners and facilitators using the courseware.

E stands for evaluate which means evaluating the impact of the course ware. Evaluation can be done in two ways, Formative and Summative Evaluation. Formative means evaluate from the aspects such as effectiveness, usefulness and relevancy. Summative means evaluate as a whole. Can it be continued? Can it be modified?

Well, I guess that's for now. 

See you next time. 😪

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