Monday, 17 July 2017

Podcasting and Digital Storytelling

Salute everyone.

So, today we will be discussing about podcast and digital storytelling. I bet most of you are familiar with  podcast especially if you are Spotify user.

For those who don't, I hope my little explanation can help you improve your understanding about podcast.

So, let's start.

Basically, a podcast is audio and/or video file, broadcast via internet and can be downloaded to a mobile device or computer.

Best thing is, you can create your own podcast. Yes, you can. So, let's talk about steps to have your own podcast.

First, tools for podcasting. Here, you need three things. An audio or recording tools, online voice recorder, smartphone.

Second, we need audio editing tools such as Audacity. Also, you can use any audio editing tools available on the internet. Just Google it.

Then, you can upload your podcast to channel like Youtube, Soundcloud, and iTunes.

For your information, a podcast can be storytelling, audiobooks, it can be a topic about anything even comedy. Maybe most of us are familiar with music podcast.
So here's my podcast; a little bit about myself.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Instructional Courseware Design

Salute everyone. What's up?

So, today's entry will be discussing about Instructional Courseware Design. In a simple words, it is something that we need to design when we create a software. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

To begin with, it consist of three things. First, the needs of the learner. Second, achieving the learner objectives and third, creating some intervention to strive the goals or objectives.

It also includes two learning theories; Behaviorist and Constructivist Learning Theory.

Behaviorist learning theory is human reaction to a situation according to his sense.

Constructivist learning theory means how people learn and gain knowledge and it has direct application to education.

Let's discuss about what is instructional design as a whole? It is kind of similar with the lesson plan made by teachers except instructional design courseware made automatically by computer.

ISD involves creation of syllabus, planning of lesson, material selection and adaptation and planning of implementation and intervention.

So basically, ISD is made automatically by the technology of computers. It is also not a complete replacement of a lesson but only as a support. 

No, that's not a touchscreen computer. That was the picture when PLATO was introduced for the first time for the Science studies.

By the way, PLATO stands for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations. Not to forget, it was also expensive. 

Do guys know anything about ADDIE? Well, ADDIE is not a name of a person. So, what is ADDIE?

Well, it stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. See?

Now, let me explain more. ADDIE is the processes of a framework for the development of the project. Remember, it's not a person but a process.

Now let's see what does every letter of the word ADDIE means. Let's start with A.

A stands for analysis. Analyse who are the learners, what is the desired behavior of achievement, what are the delivery options.

D stands for design. Well, just like the index in a textbook except this one you just need to click to access the content instead of looking for a particular page.

Another D stands for development. Developers create content based on the blueprint. 

I is implementation and it trains learners and facilitators using the courseware.

E stands for evaluate which means evaluating the impact of the course ware. Evaluation can be done in two ways, Formative and Summative Evaluation. Formative means evaluate from the aspects such as effectiveness, usefulness and relevancy. Summative means evaluate as a whole. Can it be continued? Can it be modified?

Well, I guess that's for now. 

See you next time. 😪

Monday, 10 July 2017

Computer Mediated Communication

Topic: Computer Mediated Communication

Salute everyone.

Another entry means another topic. So, today we are going to cover about Computer Mediated Communication.


Any form of communication or interaction between two or more people through different computers and of course, with internet connection is called Computer Mediated Communication or CMC. In other words, any communication mediated through a computer is called CMC. Nowadays, we use a lot of CMC in our daily life such as, Facebook, WhatsApp and Skype.


It started in 1980s and 1990s with the introduction of Communicative CALL. It then became widespread with the use of Email and Forums. In the mid of the 90s, Internet Chat Rooms allowed direct communications and today, CMC has implemented for a long-distance teaching and learning which is a very beneficial for the human race. Today, there's a lot of e-tutoring through forums and video conferencing.


Asynchronous CMC is a communication that is not synchronised which means messages are not expected to be replied immidiately. E-mails, and most social media are forms of asynchronous CMC.


If messages can be exchanged and replied immediately, it means the communication between the participants is synchronized and it is called synchronous CMC. Synchronous CMC allows for direct communication and most of internet chat rooms, messenger or audio/video conferencing are examples of synchronous CMC.


CMC was applied for distance learning during the late 2000 where teacher and learner are no longer have to be at the same location to start their teaching and learning session. Since that, e-lectures has become popular and a lot of short courses are also available over the internet.


It is a system where computers work as a helper for the learner and also an enhancer for peer interaction and group work. Google Doc, Google Drive and Blogs are the example of collaborative learning. Interestingly, collaborative learning is not just focusing on discussions but it also includes things like problem solving and collaborative production of works.


CMC offers easy access for learners to communicate with other learners as well as native speakers. The best part is, context and material of communication is not simulated which means it is authentic.

Well, I hope now we all know what is CMC and if you notice nowadays there's a lot of social media can work as a CMC. So, why don't we use them as a tool for education but remember what we talk in our first topic? Too much of everything is not good.

So, if you think you want to use social media or maybe GMail as your part of your teaching process, feel free to do so but make sure you know when to stop.

See you next time.

Search Engines & Online Database

Salute guys.

Since we are on the internet I would like to ask you about what do you know about Search Engines & Online Database.
Well, that will be our topic for this entry.

To begin with, I think most of us know what search engines is even without looking for its definition. Just by the word ‘search’ we automatically relate it with Google, right? So yeah, Google is one of the best search engines today, if not the best and to illustrate how great Google is as a search engine, nowadays people don’t ‘search’ for things on the internet but they just ‘Google’ it.

Now let’s go deeper.

There are four parts of a search engines. Database, Web-crawlers, User Interface, and Information Retrieval Information System.

Database is a storage where all information are stored. Bigger database means bigger storage.

Next, Web-Crawlers. By looking at its name, we can already know its function. Web-Crawlers works like a spider; they crawl around the webpage and they collect information like keywords, titles and access frequency.

User Interface is a site where users enter a keyword and search result will be presented.

Information Retrieval System is a system that match users' query with information found in database. Any results found are sort by relevancy.

Not to forget there are also things like Specialized Search Engines and Meta Search Engine on the internet

Specialized search engines means the search engine is use to do search on a specific area and its database only contains information that are relevant. Example of specialized search engines are Google Scholar, Education World, Art Encyclopedia and

It is a search engine that matches users' query with multiple search engines. MetaCrawler, SavvySearch, and Dogpile are the examples of Meta Search Engine.

Now we know several things about the web and I believe after this we will have a better usage of the web. Instead of depending on Google to find something for us, we also can use things like specialized search engines and Meta search engine in the future as long as we have internet connection because no matter how much we know about the web, without internet connection it means nothing.

I guess that's it for today. I hope we all are not misusing the internet.

See you next time.